[MUD-Dev] MMORPG Cancellations: The sky is falling?

Sean Howard squidi at squidi.net
Wed Jul 21 19:48:11 CEST 2004

"Tom \cro\" Gordon"" <cro at alienpants.com> wrote:

> I've also help to create more than one community of online game
> players of more than 50,000 people, all of whom identify
> themselves as part of that community (this is one of the things I
> do for a living).

The word "community" appears to be one of those abstract words which
holds a different meaning to different people. Similar to "game" or
"smart".  Everybody knows what a "game" is or what being "smart" is,
but when it comes to the fine details, we'll argue until the cows
come home. Because "community" is not strictly defined in the
context that we are discussing, we are talking about two different
things with the same label.

Maybe the best coarse of action would be to come up with a common
definition of "community" that is A) useful in the context of
designing MMORPGs, B) has a unique definition and connotation for
our unique needs in this discussion and only this discussion, and C)
is accepted by more than one person....?

- Sean Howard
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