[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Rewards

Jeffrey Kesselman jeffpk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 10:12:24 CEST 2007

On 4/18/07, Jean, Yannick <yannick.jean at cgi.com> wrote:
> Mike Sellers wrote:
> > (...)
> > ask yourself what your main WoW character's uber
> > set of purple armor *means* to you if there was never anyone else around
> > to see it
> The player of single player game, and to a lesser extent the "solo-only"
> player, love their loot as much as the other guy without any kind of
> social reward.
> Social reward is not the cup of tea of all players.

Certainly, but to many of the kinds of player attracted to MMOs it is.,

Less face it, MMO gameplay sucks rocks.  There are lots of good
reasons for this but at the end of the day, thats the result.

Why then are they hugely popular?  I'd argue because human beings,
even the most socially retarded (and god we see those in any MMO) are
inherently social beings.  And they come online for that social

Sure, a HALO player doesn't care about social rewards, but thats
orthogonal to the topic of discussion.

Elder Scrolls II had one of the nicest paper dolls systems Ive ever
seen in a game.  And I got bored with it pretty fast cause there was
no one to *show* my costumes to.

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