[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point...

Vincent Archer archer at frmug.org
Sun Aug 26 00:23:45 CEST 2007

According to Caliban Darklock:
> Imagine two tasks, task A and task B. Task A is sufficient to go from
> level 1 to level 2. Task B is sufficient to go from level 2 to level
> 3. Now imagine that I perform both tasks.
> If I perform task A first, I become level 2, and then task B takes me
> to level 3.
> If I perform task B first, I become level 2 and task A accomplishes nothing.
> I don't believe most players in the mass market will accept this idea.

They already do. In World of Warcraft's parlance, it's called "my quest has
grayed". Means you waited too long, it's trivial at your level, and the
amount of XP you get goes "splat".

Every level-based MMO has a point where a given task, be it a quest or
killing a mob yields zero xp. The original EQ1 quests had no such limits,
but, given the polynomial of xp (the xp required to gain a level
progressed by the square of the level, more or less), trivial quests did
provided microscopic xp anyway. People did repeatable quests for the
factions, which was not reduced by your level.

	Vincent Archer			Email:	archer at frmug.org

All men are mortal.  Socrates was mortal.  Therefore, all men are Socrates.
							(Woody Allen)

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