[MUD-Dev2] The Great Mud Survey

Michael Hartman mlist at thresholdrpg.com
Tue Jan 2 17:06:18 CET 2007

Amanda Walker wrote:
The idea of a "a  game you can play
> for a half an hour at a time, without having to  assemble a classic tank
> + mage + bard + priest party" seemed anathema  to many RPGers--yet
> they're quite popular.  

What??? How dare you suggest there is anything possible other than the
Holy Triad - tank, dps, healer!

I agree that WoW was wise to get away from that, but this makes you
wonder why in the high end game, it goes right back to it. Every 5 man
dungeon needs tank, healer, and ideally 3 dps. If you have more than 1
healer or more than 1 tank, you nearly double your time in the dungeon.
As you get into the high end content, the flexibility goes away and you
are stuck having to do things in one way. Oh, and god forbid you try to
bring 4 into a 5 man, 7 into a 10 man, 15 into a 20 man, or 30 into a 40
man (unless you so badly overpower it that the rewards are trivial).

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