[MUD-Dev2] [MUD-Dev] [REPOST] Griefing

Dana V. Baldwin dbaldwin at playnet.com
Fri Jun 29 17:49:15 CEST 2007

John Buehler wrote:
> Try out the trial of Eve Online and find out how a well-conceived PvP game
> works.  There are no solo PvP griefers preying on towns because the game
> doesn't support that play style.  The game channels players into taking out
> their aggressions in acts of declared war between player corporations who
> control regions of space.

There certainly were when I was playing. Gate camping does happen and
the big guys do kill off the little guys in that game when the little
guys first start to venture out of safe space.

This might be less of an issue when you aren't a noob with no clan in
the starting space but it does indeed happen.

Granted EVE is one of the best implementations of non "twitch (read
player skill)" based PvP. The clan v clan thing works very nice for
those who are into that sort of thing. It is very un-friendly to those
who don't.

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