[DGD]reset() and other banana peels...

E. Harte harte at xs4all.nl
Tue Aug 22 23:26:26 CEST 2000

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Imo Wright wrote:

> In case all of you didn't notice, I'm really just starting out crunching my
> own mud, and I'm trying to make it as non-CPU chewing as possible.  One
> function that I'm slipping up on a lot is reset().  It's probably going to
> be called a whole lot, which could be a Bad Thing if it isn't written
> effectively.  I've re-written it about five times, but it still doesn't look
> too effective.  Anyone else out there got any ideas?

Sure, but it would probably help if you also told us what your previous
attempts have been like, idea, background, implementation and their
respective problems? :-)

The most straightforward way to avoid swapping in of all sorts of unused
rooms/objects is to let the reset(1)-ing be triggered by a player getting
'near' it (inventory, environment).


Erwin Harte  -  Forever September, 2548 and counting  -  harte at xs4all.nl
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