[DGD] Compilation in System...

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 11 21:04:47 CET 2001

Hi, just joined the list. I had a read through the archive messages but 
couldn't find anything to help me out with this, so I hope these questions 
aren't too dumb.

I'm using DGD 1.2p1 and just the vanilla kernel lib.

I've managed to get the hooks working, with a user.c (Copied from the 
mudlib), basic initd, binary manager and a telnet manager that just says 
'No telnet' and times out. That stuff all 'seems' to be working just fine 
now with initd,telnet,binary in /usr/System and the user.c in 
/usr/System/obj.  Hopefully that's enough background anyway, if that's not 
enough I can always post the files (They aren't big). Now onto the problems.

Why can't you compile in the System folder? Even as admin and with only 
those files are part of the kernel lib (Before I made any changes) I get 
this error when trying to compile anything.

Dec 11 19:18:18 ** No such resource owner
   85 receive_message   /kernel/obj/binary (#25)
  226 receive_message   /kernel/lib/connection (/kernel/obj/binary#25)
  225 receive_message   /kernel/obj/user (#26)
   37 input             /kernel/obj/wiztool (#27)
  640 call_limited      /kernel/lib/auto (/kernel/obj/wiztool#27)
   97 process           /kernel/obj/wiztool (#27)
  933 cmd_compile       /kernel/lib/wiztool (/kernel/obj/wiztool#27)
  220 compile_object    /kernel/lib/wiztool (/kernel/obj/wiztool#27)
  306 compile_object    /kernel/lib/auto (/kernel/obj/wiztool#27)
  220 rsrc_get          /kernel/sys/rsrcd

The test file was very simple, just a tiny create function. And it has no 
errors because it will compile within admin's folder. Is it just a 
permissions problem? Because I would have thought admin could compile in 
any directory.

Second problem is pretty much related to the first. Using the kernel lib 
imposes a certain directory structure upon you (So sayeth the overview). My 
question is wether everything for the mudlib has to go under /usr/System or 
if I can simply have say a /World folder to hold anything that's 'live' 
code? Which is what I'm doing right now as I can't get anything to compile 
under System unless I put the command in Initd and reboot.

Hopefully someone out there can help me out. Oh, and thanks Dworkin for 
what looks to be a great driver, now if I can just figure out how to use it...


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