[DGD] Compilation in System...

Erwin Harte harte at xs4all.nl
Tue Dec 11 21:29:10 CET 2001

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 08:04:47PM +0000, Shevek wrote:
> Hi, just joined the list. I had a read through the archive messages but 
> couldn't find anything to help me out with this, so I hope these questions 
> aren't too dumb.
> I'm using DGD 1.2p1 and just the vanilla kernel lib.
> The test file was very simple, just a tiny create function. And it has no 
> errors because it will compile within admin's folder. Is it just a 
> permissions problem? Because I would have thought admin could compile in 
> any directory.

Do you have something like this in your ~System/initd.c:

    set_access("System", "/", FULL_ACCESS);

I.e: Adding a pseudo-user System to the system (sic) and giving it
access to the entire place?

> Second problem is pretty much related to the first. Using the kernel lib 
> imposes a certain directory structure upon you (So sayeth the overview). My 
> question is wether everything for the mudlib has to go under /usr/System or 
> if I can simply have say a /World folder to hold anything that's 'live' 
> code? Which is what I'm doing right now as I can't get anything to compile 
> under System unless I put the command in Initd and reboot.

I'd suggest putting it in /usr/World, if anywhere.  Be sure to create
a pseudo-user for that, with 'grant World access'.


Erwin Harte <harte at xs4all.nl>
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