[DGD] Compilation in System...

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 11 23:52:44 CET 2001

Thanks for the incredibly quick reply.
Things are working as they should now, at least how I think they should.

>Do you have something like this in your ~System/initd.c:
>     add_user("System");
>     set_access("System", "/", FULL_ACCESS);
>I.e: Adding a pseudo-user System to the system (sic) and giving it
>access to the entire place?

Needed a little bit more than that, here it is so anyone else can reference 
it. I noticed on checking 'rsrc objects' with admin that System is already 
a user, I assume the kernel defines it as one somewhere.

In initd.c
Need these includes:

#include <kernel/access.h>
#include <kernel/rsrc.h>

Needed this line in the code somewhere personally I put it after the 
set_telnet_manager calls

find_object(RSRCD)->set_access("System", "/", FULL_ACCESS);

Everything works just fine now, thankyou.
Does this mean the /usr/System folder just represents a user to the kernel? 
So anything that gets compiled in /usr/System has the access rights of that 
pseudo-user and uses System's resources? I noticed that when you clone 
something in /usr/System the object uses your personal resources, does it 
also use your access right?

>I'd suggest putting it in /usr/World, if anywhere.  Be sure to create
>a pseudo-user for that, with 'grant World access'.

Didn't understand about pseudo-users, but now I have at least some grasp I 
see this is an excellent suggestion and I'll be using it.


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