[DGD] Odd problem

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Fri Apr 26 14:25:12 CEST 2002

Jay Shaffstall <jshaffst at netwalk.com> wrote:

> I've started working on my mudlib after a couple week absence, and am 
> running into an odd problem.  DGD starts things up fine, and compiles 
> everything that I precompile.  When I try to connect, a telnet object is 
> created, and create is called for the master and for the clone.
> Sometime after that, DGD just stops running (I'm on Windows, and the 
> application exits quietly).  The open method on the telnet connection 
> object is never called.

So telnet_connect() is called, but open() in the connection object isn't.
My guess is that telnet_connect() does not return an object.

It does show the fatal error, but on Windows, when started with an argument
DGD doesn't hang on fatal errors -- it's assumed to be running from a
script.  If you're debugging, start DGD without argument and then select
a config file from the file menu.

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