[DGD] Question...

Vladimir I. Lazarenko favorit at wanadoo.nl
Tue Feb 26 22:18:13 CET 2002

Hello Sergey,

I would say this is not the way of creating rooms and NPCs :)
If something bugs, it will be a pain in the ass to find the bug.
But that's only my opinion.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002, 7:41:53 AM, you wrote:

SSK> Hello.

SSK>  Is it possible to implement (on LPC or on C, doesn't matter)
SSK> that some defined kind of in-world objects would be saved into _one_ file ?

SSK> Problem is: i like Diku* approach of describing rooms and
SSK> objects. Rooms is indexed by number (in chain if it really
SSK> matters). In LPC i can emulate this using mapping. I have
SSK> simple way to manage all rooms, all NPC's in rooms
SSK> (because MUD loads at it's startup world with rooms, NPC's, objects, etc).
SSK> If i wish to add something specific to some room, this
SSK> can be simply done with overrides.

SSK>  So, is it possible to save rooms, objects, object templates
SSK> (like rooms - indexed in mapping by vnum) in different files ?
SSK> Including nesting (containers), etc ?

SSK> Regards, Serge.

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Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:favorit at wanadoo.nl

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