[DGD] New to DGD

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 13 03:05:12 CET 2002

>I'm new to DGD, and am looking for resources for learning to program in a 
>DGD environment.  If found & read some LPC tutorials & also several 
>DGD-specific tutorials, but I havn't been able to find too much on how to 
>write the basic objects for a MUD on top of the kernel mudlib.  If the 
>only way is to read & understand the kernel sources, I'll do that, but I 
>was hoping there was something a little less painful.  Any help would be 
>-- Keith

I'm pretty much playing around with the same idea. If you'd like, then get 
in touch and I'll throw over the code I have going right now. It's not much 
(REALLY not much, and v little docs), but it may help out showing where to 
go from the kernel mudlib.

         Shevek (shevek at btinternet.com)

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