[DGD] New to DGD

Shevek shevek at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 13 17:30:37 CET 2002

Figured the lack of an starting point for coding on top of the kernel 
mudlib is something of a recurring problem, so I sat down for an hour or 
two this afternoon and produced this barebones lib to give folks a starting 
point (Nothing more than that).

If you're unable to look at the readme before extracting then instructions 
are as follows.
Start with a fresh, unaltered installation of DGD.
Extract the contents of System.zip into mud/usr/System the System directory 
should already exist.
Follow the readme instructions to set up your first wiz user.

At that point everyone but admin uses the user/wiztool objects defined in 
System so you can alter them to your heart's content with the assurance 
that should things go horribly wrong you can always log in as admin and fix 

Didn't know wether I should post an attachment here, but as it's only 6.5k 
I didn't think there was much harm in it.

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