[DGD] object manager

pete at ana.sk pete at ana.sk
Wed May 1 16:09:59 CEST 2002

Is there a way how to find out if object is beging 
upgraded except trying to compile it (and catch the 
error)? Im trying to to small object manager for me, 
and only thing left is to avoid upgrading if its already 
upgraded (i "solved" if by adding new entry to status 
kfun ,status(object)[O_UPGRADING]).


P.S.: I have a working mudlib too, i would say it is in 
similar features state as melville, more or less. It is 
built on kernel library, but cant run on stock dgd, i 
made several extension kfuns and some other 
things in driver for it. If anyone is interested to hack 
hs driver, i can make it public - but be aware, i have 
never worker with any other mudlib before, just with 
some circe mud drivers, so it may be little weird 
inside :)

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