[DGD] Mutli-CPU Support?

Kris Van Hees aedil at alchar.org
Sun Jan 19 01:14:06 CET 2003

On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 01:07:23AM +0100, Felix A. Croes wrote:
> But it does use shared memory -- and in fact, the goal is to do away with
> the necessity for multiple servers to run even a single large MUD (all of
> the big commercial MUDs currently do this), so I'm afrain I am moving in
> quite a different direction.

Actually, one major large scale MUD (Ultima Online) runs its shards on
clusters (one cluster per shard), combining them through virtual portals to
create a single large world.

Whether they do any better than the other big single server ones is a different
matter.  And there is quite a difference in processing requirements and such
of course between largely text based MUDs and massive graphical multi-player
games like Ultima Online.

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