[DGD] Mutli-CPU Support?

Kevin N. Carpenter kevinc at seaplace.org
Sun Jan 19 01:19:53 CET 2003

>This year for sure, probably within 6 months, possibly within the next
>few months, there will be an initial release of DGD/MP.

Wonderful.  My Dual CPU server will appreciate that!

>But it does use shared memory -- and in fact, the goal is to do away with
>the necessity for multiple servers to run even a single large MUD (all of
>the big commercial MUDs currently do this), so I'm afrain I am moving in
>quite a different direction.

Not so wonderful <frown>, but at least I know.

>Though of course, it is quite possible to have your different domains all
>on the same server.
Perhaps.  If not for shared memory, OpenMosix would hide the fact that 
the mud was running in a cluster - it would simply appear to be capable 
of running several times as many processes concurrently than the CPU 
count would imply.  Oh well.

Thanks for the quick response!

Kevin C.

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