[DGD] DGD-Fishing

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Mon Apr 5 00:46:18 CEST 2004

Ragnar Lonn <prl at gatorhole.se> wrote:

> Speaking of that I'd like to thank Felix for the pointer to the extensions
> document. I'm not sure extensions is useful for what I would like to do
> (I'm interested in e.g. replicating objects between two DGD instances) but
> I realize I have some reading to do.

Replication of objects can be managed without DGD hacks.  Here is an
outline of how I would do it:

To completely replicate an object you must have its source code, a list
of objects it inherits from, a list of the variables it declares, and a
way to query and set those variables.

At compile time, parse the source code with parse_string() using a LPC
grammar to learn the objects it inherits from and the variables it
declares.  Temporarily append functions to the source code which
query and set those variables, actually compile the object, and
restore the original source code.

One difficulty is the preprocessor.  Somehow you have to deal with
macros.  This can be done by writing your own preprocessor (again
using parse_string()), but since the preprocessor is no doubt the
ugliest part of the LPC language, and since you are pre-parsing the
source code anyway, I would suggest forbidding the use of any
preprocessor commands except for #include, and adding constants to
the pre-parsed language:

    const int foo = 1;

Your parser accepts these and replaces them with #defines.  Constants
are the only essential feature provided by the preprocessor, everything
else can be replaced by normal code (and this will probably make the
LPC code more readable as well).

Replicating objects in this way would work for different DGD versions.
Of course you would have to fix the grammar if the language changes,
but the LPC language changes very slowly compared to the rate at which
DGD's internals change.

Of course, it is possible that you want to do more than replicating
objects, and that some of those other things cannot be managed through
LPC. :)

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