[DGD] DGD-Fishing

Ragnar Lonn prl at gatorhole.se
Mon Apr 5 01:34:52 CEST 2004

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004, Felix A. Croes wrote:

> Replication of objects can be managed without DGD hacks.  Here is an
> outline of how I would do it:
> To completely replicate an object you must have its source code, a list
> of objects it inherits from, a list of the variables it declares, and a
> way to query and set those variables.

But that means that all objects must implement a method of querying all
their internal variables?  Hmm, I guess it could be done automatically
through parsing code and adding query-methods before the code is loaded.
I'd have to keep track of call_outs too. But you're right, it should
work. Thanks :)

> Of course, it is possible that you want to do more than replicating
> objects, and that some of those other things cannot be managed through
> LPC. :)

Yeah, actually I don't know exactly what I need to do or what the
speed requirements are. I do realize the benefits of using LPC instead
of mucking around with the driver source and the replication example
shows me it's probably possible in most cases.

Hmm, but what if I e.g. wanted to stream server state changes to another
DGD instance, effectively keeping a copy of the game state?  That would
be trickier, wouldn't it?   (perhaps not just tricky in the sense that
it'd involve driver modification)

While I'm at it I might aswell ask about state dumps also. Are they
as optimised as can be?  Is it or would it be possible to somehow create
state dumps without the noticeable pause of the game?



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