[DGD] objectD differences...

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 16 06:33:04 CEST 2004

--- Mercy <mercy at desolation.org> wrote:
> I figure my options are more or less to use Noah Gibbs' or Geir
> Hansen's objectDs.

  Yeah, basically.  Somebody else did one at one point (John McKenna,
perhaps?), but it was never seriously tested.

> Noah's would require a bit of effort to get working outside
> of Phantasmal, from what I can tell, but seems to be more
> featureful.

  Yes and yes.  Though getting it working outside of Phantasmal won't
be too bad.  You need to take its tracking classes with it, the LWO
types for issues.  But that's not really a Phantasmal thing -- they're
used only by the object manager, they're just not in objectd.c.  The
only other issue that comes to mind is that it uses the Phantasmal
LogD.  The amount of that that you'll need is pretty small, but you
could always tear that out and replace it with your own logging stuff.

> Would I lose much by simply using Geir Hansen's object
> manager, given 
> that for the time being, full persistance really isnt a
> major concern for me?

  The only significant feature you're losing is the "upgrade" and
"upgraded" functions, which are really only needed for full

> Are there any traps I should watch out for in using someone
> else's object manager?

  Just that nobody's object manager is fully tested.  Phantasmal's has
a couple of pretty benign known bugs (I already mentioned them on this
list).  I don't know of anybody having tested Geir Hansen's as
seriously, but it presumably works about as well -- Phantasmal's hasn't
actually had a bug in a long time that wasn't related to new

  The other thing to consider, come to think of it, is that
Phantasmal's ObjectD has more logging and will detect more weird
anomalous situations for you, at least if you check your logs.  That's
only a problem if something goes wrong, though :-)

> I think getting 
> some code, other than an object manager, written, would help
> me test any 
> object manager I write for myself anyway,

  Absolutely.  Good plan.


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