[DGD] httpd in dgd

Robert Forshaw iouswuoibev at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 18 11:30:56 CEST 2004

The idea of having a web server as a component of a MUDlib, running on the 
same instance of a driver sounds very appealing to me. However, I've a few 

1) Being as DGD is single-threaded, or at least appears to be single 
threaded from all outward appearances, won't the transition of large chunks 
of data (e.g. images) cause the entire MUD to lag? The only way I can see of 
avoiding such a problem would be to use call_out's to transmit data in 
bursts. Is this the way to do it?

2) Is there any DGD http daemon in the public domain to use as a starting 
point? I could make one myself but I know zilch about the http protocol and 
would have to learn everything from scratch.

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