[DGD] blocking the telnet port

Mercy mercy at desolation.org
Wed Apr 21 05:29:43 CEST 2004

Re: Michael's reply..

You get:
Config error, line 26: unspecified option telnet_port
if you just take the line out of the config file.

But your other suggestion strikes me as a good one.  I kind of assumed 
that DGD placed certain restrictions at a driver level on what kind of 
stuff could be sent over the telnet port though, like datagrams and stuff.

Then again, I was sitting here just now and thought "hmm, why not make 
it an admin-only port?" so I can debug stuff when I break my telnet 
manager... kind of like a couple of other libs I've seen do on the 
binary port.

Still thinking up new and interesting ways to make life hard for myself 
though. :)
Thanks for the reply.
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