[DGD] Greetings, and a couple of small questions

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 7 06:09:21 CET 2004

--- Steve Wooster <swooster at xprt.net> wrote:
> 1. Is there a reason why the Klib separates
> clonables/libraries/etc based 
> on directories

  Not really.  But having .c as an extension for LPC files is strongly
traditional.  Your way would work too, other than being a pain for
emacs users (and other users of programming editors).

> 2. Would it be difficult or a bad idea for DGD to have some
> kind of  immediate_call_out("func") function that's like
> call_out("func",0),

  This can be implemented using existing functionality.  Therefore,
Felix is highly unlikely to implement it.


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