[DGD] Changing connect() (network package)

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed Dec 12 01:04:05 CET 2007

Shentino <shentino at gmail.com> wrote:

> Developing an asynchronous model would probably be mere coding.
> If you would implement a way to call LPC asynchronously from C, that
> would probably help.
> Anyway, I should clarify that I'm not looking to IMPROVE the net
> package, I'm looking to REPLACE it with something BRAND NEW.
> My version of networking would stay COMPLETELY out of the way of DGD's
> normal activities.  I'd have my own special objects for connections
> and ports, and they'd play nicely with the rest of DGD simply by
> staying the hell out of the way.

You mean, add a way to start a LPC execution round from a separate
thread in DGD, which is completely managed by the extension package?

That would be more or less equivalent to having an external program
which communicates with DGD on a normal socket, and performs all the
extra functions.  You could wrap it up in an LPC layer, and even
have your own "connection" objects, indistinguishable by the rest
of the mudlib from genuine connection objects.

I must admit that the idea of having a thread support dependency in
vanilla DGD does not have me jumping for joy. :)


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