[DGD] preserving vars after lib recompile

chris . psych_mayo at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 18 00:46:10 CEST 2008

> This should read: an old issue of C will be kept as well until something tries
> to inherit B which will cause recompile(B) to be called in the driver object,
> which will destruct B and free the old instance of C.

This happens when a compiled (not cloned) object has been destructed and youve changed c?
I might be a little confused, but this is what ive got so far:

Under normal circumstances, when i change a lib, i recompile that lib.  Than i recompile objects inheriting that lib (or any objs that inherit a lib that inherits that lib).

If the compiled version of an object has been destructed and ive made a change to a lib that is inherited by a lib that this object inherits, than i must recompile not just the lib i have changed, but also the lib inheriting the changed lib, since it is inherited by a now destructed dependent instance.

Am i understanding the 'rules' right?

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