[DGD] call_other() after destruct_object(this_object())

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 19:07:28 CEST 2010

When an object is destroyed, all references to it immediately go to nil, and
call_others to other objects are forbidden.

This is normal behavior, since the object at this point is effectively an
orphan waiting to be garbage collected.

For a good analogy, try this:

mkdir somedir
cd somedir
rmdir ../somedir

The directory ceases to exist logically, however since there's still a
current reference in it (namely, cwd), it sticks around as an orphan until
you vacate it and let it get garbage collected.  In the meantime, the set of
operations you can do with the orphan is quite limited.

2010/8/8 Petter Nyström <jimorie at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I have stumbled on a behaviour in DGD that I don't see the reason for.
> Could someone explain why this is so? The thing is this:
> If an object calls destruct_object(this_object()), any calls following
> that, to a function in another object, will not happen, and just
> returns nil.
> Is this intended? If it's not, is it just me this happens for?
> Regards,
> Jimorie
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