[DGD] kotaka

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Thu Apr 26 23:13:18 CEST 2012

In reply to Shentino (shentino at gmail.com):

> > Now I can tell you what I hate about gurba though. ;)
> By all means, spill the beans.

You asked for it....  Before you read further I just wanted to say:
I wanted to point out that I'm using it and I'm really thankful for 
the code and sure maybe it needs some love but its a great base, 
it just needs some work.

Most of what I have is in gurbalib/lib/TODO

There seem to be lots of dirs for security that as far as I can tell
aren't really used...
example: /daemons, /kernel/daemons, /sys/daemons
There are 3 levels of users (users,wiz, admin) and wiz and users
can't touch any of those so why 3 different locations?

The security system also is a bit confusing because you have
/std which is inheritables
and then:
/obj (which I moved to /domains/required to try and cut down on this a bit)
and lots of stuff in /obj just inherited the base and that was it...
example: /std/corpse.c  /domains/required/objects/corpse.c
(going to fix that now... :))

There were example cmds for a specific race, and that race did not exist.
(Lots of inconsistencies like this most have been fixed I think)

add_object_command("shake");	// assumes do_shake, working on making it 					// like the other one
(I'm also working on this right now)

To tell_room you have to do this sometimes:
this_object()->query_environment()->tell_room(who, mesg);
// seems elegant but in practice a pain in the hind end...

To set the short for rooms you use:
   set_brief("Weller Avenue");  // I think set_short would be better
				// but it hasn't bugged me enough to fix it.
For an object though you use:
   set_in_room_desc("A rock is lying on the ground.");
// Its using id's and adjectives but seems like execution is clunky and
// hard for new users(me at this point) to figure out whats going on...

There are all of these modules in std/body and std/modules, it makes
it nice to find specific code to work on in some cases, however it
seems like a lot of inheritance and kind of wasteful and sometimes the code
isn't where you would guess it is.

There is other stuff but hey I think most people are sick of reading by now...

mein at cs.umn.edu

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