[DGD] player economies: npc clients

Jared Maddox absinthdraco at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 06:35:58 CEST 2012

Don't forget that your api and/or needs might change down the road.

How were you planning to do this? A small 'task engine' that could
allow 'task' objects to be added to it might be a good method. The
priorities of the tasks could be revalued in response to input (e.g. a
guard that gets attacked while going to eat refocuses on
self-defense). If a task detects that it's been completed, then it
removes itself. If it's priority gets increased, then it can send
extra priority to whatever it depends on, etc. You could also restrict
task execution to 1 task per tick, which would help with time limits.
It could also be expanded to create NPC personalities (Gunvark, killer
of Giant Ants, also kills entomologists on sight if he knows what
their job is).

It could also be a base for something like the IF community's RAP
system, though generic planning might require more work.

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