[MUD-Dev] Re: Affordances and social method (Was: Re: Wire d Magazine...)
Mon Jul 13 15:56:19 CEST 1998
> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Patrick Gallaty [SMTP:pgallaty at acclaim.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 1998 3:35 PM
> To: mud-dev at kanga.nu
> Subject: [MUD-Dev] Re: Affordances and social method (Was: Re:
> Wire d Magazine...)
> You know, I've wondered why UO doesn't do something like just that.
> (And now that I think of it, the opposite too)
> They could make new servers with altered code :
> 1) Haven
> Players have to apply to create characters here. Their characters
> are only accepted if the reviewer likes the name and role-play
> character that the biography suggests. If players complain about
> other players on this shard, the players risk being suspended
> pending review - and role playing is enforced.
> I would play both, for sure. Heck I'd be surprised if one of these
> servers couldn't pay for the manpower it would take to support it.
Let's see, assuming a conservative 10 minutes per application to review
a new character, and assuming that only truly new players are making
characters, we're talking about 6 people working in shifts to handle
just the character creation process 24/7. Ideally, you'd need several of
them to be bilingual in common UO player languages such as Japanese,
French, and German... Add in people who are making characters after the
first time, and it REALLY gets to be too expensive. That's JUST
character creation--I don't even want to think about how many staffers
it would take to review the cases of "so and so isn't roleplaying." This
is a classic case of a small mud solution that really doesn't scale very
well. :(
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