[MUD-Dev] Re: Login and Accounts
K.L.Lo-94 at student.lboro.ac.uk
Wed Jul 22 14:43:39 CEST 1998
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Matt Chatterley wrote:
> On 19-Jul-98 Mike L Kesl wrote:
> > There has to be a way we can do this well...
> >
> > An account is the player's account, it will hold all OOC info as well as
> > provide them with the ability to participate in an OOC chat room, which will
> > be the place for OOC conversations.
> Yup. For me it does allow access to lines (all OOC), which are also available
> from the character as well. This lets they just chat if they want (using fewer
> resources, and putting no IC risk on the character).
I use something similar tho the model works differently. Punter on the
keyboard is connected to a user account which is an entity in its own
rights. This user object has commands (eg: who) , channels and stuff tho
the punter won't realise it. The user object floats outside of the
gameworld. When the user wants to enter the game, the object is connected
to a body which can be manipulated as if using a very high quality
remote control.
The body object accesses its own bank of IC commands (eg: take, get, say).
The minor twist is that admin and staff commands are tied to the user
account. This means that they can mess around with the game no matter
whichever character they're playing with. Alternatively, staff and admin
may press a little secret button in the account menu that leaves them
outside of the gameworld to code/hack in peace but I suspect most will
prolly wanna sit in some staff bar.
There's also a chitchat parlour for the user accounts. I spent ages
thinking up a stupid name like that.
> > Each account might also have one or more of the following:
> > a builder
> > a ventriloquist?/storyteller?
> > a dugeonmaster?/puppeteer?
> > a god (which is simply all of the above?)
One day, I'll understand why there's so many neat positions complete with
outlandish titles in muds. Internally, I have users, staff and admins, on
the outside, the admins can label staff with cool position names and abuse
users until they leave. Then again, I'm speaking with no staff so I'll
find out how mistaken I am when I open the mud.
| Ling Lo of Remora (Top Banana)
_O_O_ Elec Eng Dept, Loughborough University, UK. kllo at iee.org
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