[MUD-Dev] Re: Affordances and social method (Was: Re: Wired Magazine...)

Caliban Tiresias Darklock caliban at darklock.com
Fri Jul 24 15:15:47 CEST 1998

On 09:48 PM 7/24/98 +0100, I personally witnessed Marian Griffith jumping
up to say:
>In <URL:/archives/meow?group+local.muddev> on Sat 11 Jul, Adam Wiggins wrote:
>> Credit cards aren't bad if you're a commercial venture; but
>> are you going to tell me that most people don't have more than one credit
>> card?
>To be very honest, by requiring a credit card you would lock out most people
>outside the usa.  Credit cards  are not nearly so common  in the rest of the
>world. I do not personally know anybody who has a credit card.

This is something I think we Americans need to be CONSTANTLY reminded of.
Many of us have enough trouble realising what the differences in people are
*within* the US, let alone outside it... for example, it's not common
knowledge in the US that many foreign countries do NOT have free local
calls at all. Here in the US, we take for granted that to call Bob down the
street on the phone won't cost anything; in many other countries, this is a
proposition almost equivalent to long distance. A correspondent of mine in
England pays about 7p a minute to call his ISP, or about a dime. That's the
same rate our phone companies in the US are throwing around for long
distance. Also consider that AOL's "outrageous" rate for using their 1-800
number to contact the service is $5.99 an hour (or was last time I checked)
-- or about 10 cents a minute. That's what some people outside the US pay
all the time.

Consider for a moment how this impacts the "fairness" of a game which has
worldwide players. When I log onto a MUD, I can easily spend three or four
hours on it. If my English friend were to do this, it would cost him about
US$24. This quite likely puts me at a significant advantage. I suspect this
has more to do with why the US accounts for over 60% of the traffic on the
internet than whether we have more computers, more money, or more technical
aptitude. How much time would you spend on the internet if you had to dial
your ISP from the opposite coast? 

Bottom line, we're out of touch. Someone needs to put our feet back on the
ground now and again.

>> Ha.  IMO the best screening is that performed by story-based muds;
>> since you have to spend a lot of time crafting a character and then
>> getting approved by the staff, you're not going to like just throwing them
>> away on a whim to annoy some people.  

It depends on the MUD. If you create an uninteresting, inoffensive
character, you can be approved in an hour or two. On the other hand, my
initial application for one MUSH took three weeks to be considered
"suitable for approval" based on stats alone... and then another five to
finally get approved on the basis of background, similarity to existing
characters, population of similar professions, and suitability for the
setting. I've been playing that MUSH for going on three years now. I
probably value that character more than any other.

In contrast, I occasionally find it fun and amusing to log onto some random
storytelling MUSH and get a character approved in short order... then
change my name to "Bunghole" or some other silly and/or offensive thing,
and rampage around annoying the hell out of everyone until the staff
forcibly remove me from the game. It's even more fun when you have a "real"
character on the same MUSH, so you can hear people talk about it afterward.
(It helps to have several unrelated e-mail addresses, and a reasonably
large selection of shell accounts to telnet from...)

Yes, I twink. For fun. Rarely. About every three or four months. And
believe me, it's a LOT of fun. Some of these people take themselves TOO

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