[MUD-Dev] Re: Affordances and social method

Joel Kelso joel at ee.uwa.edu.au
Fri Jul 31 09:23:43 CEST 1998

S. Patrick Gallaty wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Orion Henry <orionz at ix.netcom.com>
> | I envision a build and conquer Mud where all sides duke it
> |out, one seems to win and becomes bloated.  Small rebel forces
> |contune to make pot shots at the giant until either onc succeeds and
> |dethrones it, or social meltdown and civil war break the giant
> |into factions and every thing starts right over again...
> I've thought about this a lot... and the mechanism I envisioned was
> one where individuals could only have command of a certain
> number of people, thus setting up a heirarchy...

... or civil war.  You could give away sections of large empires tonew
players entering the game, or defeated players who are starting
again.  It would then be up to the players (possibly total strangers)
to negotiate their relative status: maybe the break-away would
re-join the empire, maybe it would declare independance, maybe
it would form alliances with other groups and make a take-over

Joel Kelso

-- joel at ee.uwa.edu.au ----------------------------------
"... great Scott, he's turned into _more than one person_ !"
"Well, there was always enough of him."
 - the Goon Show
-- http://ciips.ee.uwa.edu.au/~joel ------------------------

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