[MUD-Dev] Re: world concept

Holly Sommer hsommer at micro.ti.com
Tue May 19 14:34:47 CEST 1998

On Tue, 19 May 1998, J C Lawrence wrote:

> There's a lot to say for player-built and maintained environments.
> You essentially create an ecology of areas.  Players build their own
> building and lands, and if they are popular, maintain them.  If they
> are unpopular, they fall into disuse, are not maintained, or are
> overtaken by more aggressive and well funded players who set up their
> own deal for the cycle to repeat.

It is ideas like this - ones which have been sitting right in front of me 
for years, yet I never saw them - which makes lists like this so cool :) 
Now I gotta implement this. Thanks for opening my eyes :)

> MUD urban renewal.

MHUDs? or MUD HUDs? :)

> > Basically my question is has this been attempted and if so where do
> > I look? And am I totally off my rocker for wanting to do this. By
> > the way the actual idea is much more detailed and I will post more
> > if others are interested.
> Please do.

Likewise. Whatever comes of it at Grok, I'll make known here, too (though 
our playerbase is microscopic, so it'll take awhile, I'm sure).

Holly J. Sommer                           Email: hsommer at micro.ti.com
Texas Instruments                         Voice:         281.274.3675
SES Training Coordinator                  Pager:         713.990.1574
Stafford, Texas                             IMS:                 HJSO

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