[MUD-Dev] Re: let's call it a spellcraft
Fri Sep 25 23:28:25 CEST 1998
From: Caliban Tiresias Darklock <caliban at darklock.com> on Friday, September 25,
1998 at 5:26 PM
Subject: [MUD-Dev] Re: let's call it a spellcraft
>An amusing bug I've heard about but never experienced (mainly because it
>can't happen unless deliberately exploited): when in combat with creature
>X, drop carrier. Log back in, the combat has ceased because you were
>offline. Suck down a couple potions, attack again. Repeat until creature X
>Supposedly many servers have this sort of bug, or something very like it.
>I'm sure someone less ethical -- or, um, who has a FRIEND who is less
>ethical, rather -- can tell you about it.
This is not really a bug, just poor handling of link dead characters.
On that note, there is a tiny thread on that topic in one of the forums
on the mud connector. At any rate, I believe most diku variants do the
same thing:
If you are fighting, and have no descriptor (link) then flee.
If you didn't not flee (failed), try again next round.
If you did flee, (a) recall, or (b) drop into the void (c) just
sit there.
Then, either no one can attack you, or they can and you'll just flee
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