[MUD-Dev] An idea for breaking away from the HP/Mana mindset

Eli Stevens wickedgrey at wickedgrey.com
Sat Apr 1 21:57:13 CEST 2000

I have roughly worked out the base for a system to be used in place of the
traditional DnD/Diku Stats, Hit Points and Mana.  I was wanting list members
to let me know what they thought, because there are probably (more than) a
few flaws in it that I am not seeing.  :)  I would also be interested if
anyone has seen a system similar to this in action, and if it worked (I wish
I was more versed in various RPG/MUD systems...).

Characters have six statistics that fill similar roles to the DnD six, and
three relating to their reputation, where lowers scores are not neccissarily
undesirable (having a low fame, for example, means you are recognized less
by strangers, but it makes it harder to get into office...).  The reputation
stats are not as conflict oriented, so I won't be paying as much attention
to them here.  I will probably ramble on about them later.  ;)

The traditional six are:

  Willpower (Charisma being accounted for by some of the reputations stats)

The starting scale for the stats would be 0.5 to 1.5+.  What would be
considered "average" would correspond to 1.0, even if most of the players
had "above average" strength.  Think DnD divided by 10, roughly.  The
difference is that damage, instead of being subtracted from a pool of hit
points, would directly affect the constitution of the target.  If
appropriate, a spell or other effect could also affect other stats as
well/instead.  Each stat would have a current score and a max score, with
the current score slowly healing toward the max as time passed.

Ex: A "numbness" spell might drop Dex and Str.
    A blow to the head could affect Int or Wis.

Another key point is that instead of damage being subtracted from the stat,
it would be multiplied with the stat, and the result used as the stat's
acting score until that damage is healed.

Ex: Boffo the fighter has Str: 1.5, Dex: 1.0, Con: 1.2
    Boffo gets hit for .9 Constitution damage, dropping it to 1.08 for the
time being.

Since scores can never reach zero by this method (except by rounding
errors), there would have to be a cutoff point where the damaged player can
no longer function.  Note that if ANY stat dropped below this line, they
would drop uncnscious (be it from lack of strength/coordination/mental
drive, blood loss, etc.).  Just from some initial number juggling, I think
that .5 might work out well.

        Hits taken before unconsciousness with a Con of:
Damage \  Con: 1   Con: 2
.9        6 hits   13 hits
.8        3 hits   6 hits
.7        1 hit    3 hits

They act pretty much as one would think with double the Con resulting in
double the amount of blows taken, except that the higher Con can shrug off
powerful attacks better.  I think it makes sense, because it means that
dragons can take out normal folk right away, while warrior heroes can last a
few rounds.  I also like it because once someone starts loosing, it gets
harder to even it out, which makes sense to me.  It gives backstabs an
effect without having them do massive damage.  A warrior might take a
defensive approach and let the opponent tire out (attacking would take a
small bit of Str, Dex).  Another aspect that appeals to me is that two mages
can battle without doing any physical damage at all.  Once one mage
overexerts him/herself or gets too mentally battered, it is over and the
mage is unconscious.  While a mage could not outfight a sterotypical orc
physically, the orc's low Int/Wis would make it a prime target for a
confusion spell.  It allows mages and psionicists to fight on their own
level, instead of everything having to boil down to physical damage.

Racial stat adjustments would still work, Elves might get +.1 to Int and -.1
to Con at character creation, fairly similar to DnD.

Advancement would come in as better weapon proficiencies, skills, and such
(I am envisionins a levelless MUD, but this could be adapted to levels, I
think).  If Boffo has the Dagger weapon proficiency at .9 and we considered
Str and Dex to be equally important to wielding a dagger, then his attack
roll might look like:

((Str: 1.5) ^ (.5)) * ((Dex: 1.0) ^ (.5)) * (Dagger: .9) = 1.1

Where if he was using a Club with the same skill (but the club being a Str

((Str: 1.5) ^ (.8)) * ((Dex: 1.0) ^ (.2)) * (Club: .9) = 1.24

It would seem that the club would be the superior choice, but keep in mind
that the club would also impose a larger penalty against Str the more Boffo
swung it (it would tire him more).  I think I need to juggle some more
numbers, and see how this might work out in the long run.  The defender's
roll would be based on the armor worn, Dex, etc. etc.

I think I have rambled on a bit too much...  Thoughts?  Abuses?  Weaknesses?

<//> Silence is golden           RUIN, v.  To destroy.            <\\>
 ||  Eli                         Specifically, to destroy a maid's ||
 ||  wickedgrey at wickedgrey.com   belief in the virtue of maids.    ||
<\\> www.wickedgrey.com            -- Ambrose Bierce              <//>

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