[MUD-Dev] Re: [rpg-create] Female Gamers (fwd)
J C Lawrence
claw at kanga.nu
Mon Mar 11 17:32:09 CET 2002
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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 18:45:55 -0500
Subject: Re: [rpg-create] Female Gamers
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I replied to this thread on another group where the exact same post
was made, but since I doubt there is that much overlap between
the two....
My gaming group that does the playtesting for my games etc has
an exactly 50% split in players regarding basic Gender, so
everything I create has to take both sexes equally into
My advice in this regards, for desigers, is to make sure that the
game system gives an equal range of possibilities for characters of
both genders. Also be sure to be prepared for folks that want to
play characters of unusual gender and sexual status in the game.
And expect this sort of thing to become important in the events of
the game in all its varieties of romance and involvement, from one
night stands to characters that are happily married to single
I will note that from my experience you will find that women are
more likely to want to play characters with unsual appetities and
activities (crossdressers, bisexual, gay/lesbian, androgenous,
fetishists, etc.) and that these will be important features of the
character and how they will react. This may be because the
women who I've encountered in roleplaying games tend to be more
adventurous in this way in their own lives (and thus have a certain
level of inner strength and a creativity that non-roleplaying women
do) or because it makes it easier for them to seperate themselves
from the role they play (a line of demarcation).
Women want a game to involve a lot more of the roleplaying
aspects, a lot more intrigue, higher ethical questions, and general
qualities of good quality fiction (everyone has a motive for what they
do, no one is bad guy just because, there must be a psychological
reason that makes sense). Combat should be fast and decisive,
not something that takes an entire session to resolve. Women can
be just as good at tactical and strategic thinking as men, but are
not interested in such as a goal within itself in most cases.
An innovative and creative magic system that can be hacked at
can also be a huge boon. A stagnant system (like D&D) where
there are rarely any new possibilities, tends to bore them as much
balancing the checkbook.
World color is important - a bland or predictable setting usually
doesn't cut it. Lots of NPCs helps considerably in this way, as they
will want to set up networks of contacts to interact with.
Kaleidoscope : Take A Walk On The Wild Side of RPGs!
*Alpha Version Available at www.fantasylibrary.com for free!*
Brought to you by : joeteller at mindspring.com
RPG-Create on the web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rpg-create/
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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:59:46 -0800
Subject: Re: [rpg-create] Female Gamers
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Actually, it seems your perception of "Female Gamers" seems to be
colored by the sort of games you prefer to run, and thus, the sort of
gamers (female or otherwise) who would fit into your group.
Which, in turn, points out the main issue:There are no "Female Gamers",
that is, there's no set of traits shared by all or most gamers who have
an XX chromosome which are not also shared by those who have XY
chromosomes. Rather, every group tends to evolve its own gaming style,
and, any women who will remain in that group will be those who enjoy
that style.
Attempt to appeal to "female gamers" is sheer folly; just make good
games, and gamers -- of all genders -- will play them.
RPG-Create on the web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rpg-create/
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