[MUD-Dev] Real money and virtual worlds

Marc Fielding fielding at computer.org
Wed Nov 20 15:44:33 CET 2002

From: Dave Trump
> At 09:43 PM 11/12/2002 -0800, Koster, Raph wrote:

>> Yeah, it's inevitable. But look at the minefield that it is! This
>> is about Project Entropia, which allows conversion of real eorld
>> cash into in-game money--and back again. When I first heard of
>> this project, my first thought was "money laundering." Others,
>> including the authors of the summary I am about to post, thought
>> "Ponzi scheme." Instead, it turns out it's actually "great place
>> to engage in credit card fraud."

> When I see the "...and back into real money" part I cant help but
> think "Oh to be the first guy to find the ever present dupe bug."

> And a thought from the other end of the field.

> I saw something today about the states agreeing on internet
> taxation.  How long until the IRS, Federal Govt, perhaps even
> Microsoft or some other nafarious organization comes and trys to
> get the cut they think they deserve from your ingame dealings?

If they were paying attention, the credit card companies would most
likely frown on something that could so closely replicate one of their
biggest cash cows:  the cash advance.


Marc Fielding
fielding at cutthisout.computer.org

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