[MUD-Dev] UO Advanced Character Service

amanda at alfar.com amanda at alfar.com
Mon Sep 23 09:10:40 CEST 2002

From: Matt Mihaly <the_logos at achaea.com>

> Ahh, I was under the impression that UO opposed that practice.

It is possible that they do.  That does not seem to affect the
practice.  Even if they do oppose it, I could certainly understand
taking the tack "well, if they're going to buy xp, they might as
well buy it from us."

> It's probably somewhere in between. Your analogy may be closer
> really, but it doesn't take into account the fact that players
> look at individual advancement as an implicit competition with
> other players. Mine probably assumes too much competition among
> too many players.

Could be.  I do not view individual advancement as competition with
other players at all, since in the MMP games I've played so far that
have xp at all, it is strictly a reward for "butt in chair" time,
not skill.  Any college kid can easily surpass me on time, since I
work for a living.  I view PvP and puzzle solving as competition
with other players, but not advancement.  The stats/level treadmill
has absolutely no appeal to me.

Amanda Walker

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