[MUD-Dev] Seamlessly Distributed Online Environments

Roy Riggs roy at royriggs.com
Thu Sep 11 18:46:33 CEST 2003

Philip Loguinov wrote:

> 3 questions:

>   -Is anyone already working on something like this? (referring to
>   p2p muds)

Yep. We've been lurking on the MUD-Dev list for awhile now in
anticipation of officially announcing it once it was
operational. But since you pointedly asked I had to reply.  Since
it's not ready for any sort of peer review yet, I won't bore the
list with a lengthy description of the project here. If you're
especially curious, we've just barely started some of the PR at
http://www.p2pmud.com/ , and the source for an older version is
hosted at SourceForge, project name of p2pmud. (We're not updating
SF right now, until they get their CVS issues worked out.) Someone
else on the list asked about muds that used Scheme, well the
previous version did for it's scripting language. However, since the
mere mention of 'Scheme' seems to cause a lot of programmer's eyes
to glaze over, our latest version has switched to JavaScript for the
scripting language.

>   -Would people be interested in creating their own node servers?

Some will, some won't. Our thinking is that everyone is given their
own server, with just a single room to start. They can either start
building out their own world, or using the p2p discovery, link up to
other peoples servers and race off to explore the worlds created by
others.  After accumulating junk from their adventures, they'll have
to Start adding a room here and there to just hold all of their

>   -What problems would you foresee in creating something like
>   this?

Plenty. Security in many forms being #1. But also, P2P
discovery/packet routing, and Object serialization both in &
out. But we're ambitious if nothing else!

fur at teamcthulhu.com
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