[MUD-Dev] Complexity and Accessibility

Ola Fosheim Grøstad olag at ifi.uio.no
Tue Aug 31 13:32:50 CEST 2004

Will Jennings <will.jennings at gmail.com> writes:

> degree that they are amenable to mathematical analysis, David
> Kennerly pointed out in a related thread that NP-hard
> (mathematical complexity) doesn't equal hard-for-people-to-play
> (overcomplication): it's easier to win at Minesweeper (which is
> NP-complete) than to beat the toughest FPS bot (which probably
> isn't solving too many NP-hard problems).

Can we please forget all that have been said about algorithmic
complexity... Anything finite or bounded by a constant can clearly
be solved in less than polynomial time, it is O(1).

Algorithmic complexity only tells you something about how the
complexity grows with the _scale_ of the problem.

Although there are some NP-hard problems that go a bit beyond that:
"Does God exist?".

  (Disclaimer: quite some times since I studied these things. Mostly
  useless. It's the computer science equivalent of pure

Ola - http://folk.uio.no/olag/
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