[DGD] Re:Heartbeart

Jamin Vander Berg jaminv at softhome.net
Wed Jan 15 01:03:48 CET 2003

Thanks for all the suggestions. I kind of figured call_out would be the way to go, and I'll be looking into it in just a moment.

Answers to some questions asked:

I'm building atop the kernel mudlib.

The combat system has guns, melee weapons and even thrown weapons (not yet implemented), but each weapon has a default state on how it hits unless the player specifies otherwise. A function called reduce_ammo() even checks to see if a clip is empty and automatically reloads to save a lot of typing. Other than that, its a pretty straightforward LPMud combat system I have in mind.

As a note, there is no "command" daemon, each item provides its own commands, usually by way of the inheritable. Thus, objects provide the "look" command for themselves, guns provide their own "reload" command, rooms provide their own exits, et cetera. The player object does sit on top of (currently useless) living object, and the player object would provide the "fight" command, although a gun might provide "shoot" which would certainly initiate a fight (but is easy enough to code). The point is, however, the combat code still has to intercept all of those messages, regardless of whether or not they are "combat" related. Some of the combat related ones may require combat actions (like reloading or running), which could easily be implemented by setting a flag on the player object.

Lastly, as the combat will probably tend to be gun-related, and real-world accuracy is kindof important, combats will probably be relatively short and sweet. I'm actually thinking of implementing a hit-zone damage functionality so head hits are far more lethal than leg hits. Armor will of course play in this later.

Thanks again for your help, I think I've got some good ideas.

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