[MUD-Dev] Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall)

Ryan Rhodes ryanshaerhodes at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 18 15:27:35 CET 2001

I read a few posts that talked about the current populations of UO and
EQ, but I haven't found much information out there on the current
breed of commercial text games.  What text Mud's are currently
charging monthly subscription fees and how large are there playerbases
/ avg. users online.  I read an article not that long ago in a
magazine about simultronics and Gemstone III.  If I remember
correctly, it said they had avg. 5000 players online and a total
playerbase of 40,000.  I can't remember if these stats were for
Gemstone III only or for all of Simultronics games combined.  If
anyone knows of any others please post.

Also, I've read a ton of posts that go back and fourth on how to
properly enforce roleplayers and punish bad role players.  Let me just
ask this one question though.  How in the hell do you punish someone
when they are paying.  What systems of roleplay control have you seen
in commercial games?  How much can you legally get away with?
Considering that the RP game I played last just banned you when you
violated RP, if you commited enough offenses (or they didn't like
you), I can't really see how this would work for pay.  You can't very
well charge someone and then tell them they can't play anymore and
keep there money.

Marketing costs are another question.  Does anyone have just some
ballpark ideas of what it costs to advertise in the game magazines or
other places.  I heard someone mention trying the disney channel.


PS.  I hate to be the newbie here, but could someone explain to me
what GoP stands for.  I've got PK and PVP, but GoP I just cant' figure
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