[MUD-Dev] MUD-DEv lists archives are currently broken

claw at kanga.nu claw at kanga.nu
Thu May 17 01:46:31 CEST 2001

Writing as list owner:

  The MUD-Dev list archives are currently flakey.  It seems that the 
  4.0.5-2 build (Debian/Testing) of PHP4 imposes length limits on here 
  file strings that are shorter than in the previous version. resulting 
  in the index pages for the archives (author, date, thread), breaking.
  Its not obvious how to solve this without a re-architecture (again) of 
  the list archives.

  ITMT the individual messages still work just fine, as does indexing 
  through the messages by the message->message links, or using the 
  search engine to find specific messages.  You can also use the 
  message count from the archive overview ("periods") to have a good 
  guess at what number to plug into the "msg#####.php" names.

<But it looked fine when I tested it!>

J C Lawrence                                       claw at kanga.nu
---------(*)                          http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
The pressure to survive and rhetoric may make strange bedfellows

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