[MUD-Dev] Death of a game addict

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Thu Apr 4 17:05:56 CEST 2002

On Wed, 29 May 2002, ghovs wrote:
> Ah, well...
>   'The management does not accept liability in case of injury due
>   to improper use of this seat.' -- infant seat in a restaurant
>   'Warning! Hot liquid.' -- coffee cup
>   'Excessive play may be hazardous to mentally unstable persons.' 
>   -- MMORPG?
> The last one doesn't seem to have any trouble fitting in.

How about "Excessive use may lead to drowning." -- water tap.?

No offence, but this is what europeans usually joke about when
talking about the us....

Hans Henrik Stærfeldt   |    bombman at diku.dk    | work:  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk      |
Address:                |___  +45 40383492    __|__       +45 45252471     __|
DTU, Kemitorvet,        | Scientific programmer at Center for Biological     |
bygn 208, CBS.          |  Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark|

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