May 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Thu May 1 06:09:16 CEST 2003
Ending: Fri May 30 21:50:20 CEST 2003
Messages: 234
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Christopher Allen
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Geir Ove Alnes
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Geir Ove Alnes
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Vincent Archer
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
John Arras
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
John Arras
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
John Arras
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Ryan Arthur
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Jeff Bachtel
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
Jeff Bachtel
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Richard A. Bartle
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Richard A. Bartle
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Richard A. Bartle
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
John A. Bertoglio
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
John A. Bertoglio
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
John A. Bertoglio
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
John Buehler
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
John Buehler
- [MUD-Dev] The Laws of the Virtual Worlds
Tamzen Cannoy
- [MUD-Dev] Moo mailing list issue _DESPARATE FOR HELP!
Ms Leigh Canny
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Travis Casey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Travis Casey
- relevance of paper RPGs (was Re: [MUD-Dev] D& D vs. MMORPG "complexity")
Travis Casey
- [MUD-Dev] Warrior Challenge on PBS
Travis Casey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Travis Casey
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
SamuraiCat at Catacombs
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Ben Chambers
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Ben Chambers
- [MUD-Dev] Objects
Ben Chambers
- [MUD-Dev] Warrior Challenge on PBS
Michael Chui
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
Michael Chui
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
Michael Chui
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Michael Chui
- [MUD-Dev] Re: Male and female brains
Robin Cloutman
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] DID vs. MORAG "complexity"
Jeff Cole
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Evan Cortens
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Ryan S. Dancey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Ryan S. Dancey
- [MUD-Dev] MUD codebases
Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Adam Dray
- [MUD-Dev] NWN player modules (was: Re: D&D and MMORPGs)
Lars Duening
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Kwon Ekstrom
- [MUD-Dev] New to MUD Dev, need friendly advice!
Byron Ellacott
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Byron Ellacott
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Byron Ellacott
- [MUD-Dev] Account retention (was: D& D vs. MMORPG "complexity")
Byron Ellacott
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
F. Randall Farmer
- relevance of paper RPGs (was Re: [MUD-Dev] D& D vs. MMORPG "complexity")
Troy Fisher
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Crosbie Fitch
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Weston Fryatt
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
Weston Fryatt
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Ben Garney
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Jason Gauthier
- [MUD-Dev] Scripting languages
Jason Gauthier
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
- [MUD-Dev] Warrior Challenge on PBS
Edward Glowacki
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Edward Glowacki
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Edward Glowacki
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] MudDev FAQ - part 1
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] MudDev FAQ - part 2
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Marian Griffith
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
Talanithus HTML
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
Talanithus HTML
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Talanithus HTML
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Nicolai Hansen
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Sulka Haro
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Chris Holko
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Chris Holko
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Chris Holko
- [MUD-Dev] Scripting languages
Brian Hook
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Larry Dunlap at ILG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Daniel James
- [MUD-Dev] NetGames 2003: CFParticipation
Sugih Jamin
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Sean Kelly
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Sean Kelly
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
Sean Kelly
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
David Kennerly
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
David Kennerly
- [MUD-Dev] Bringing out the barbaric in each of us
David Kennerly
Edouard Kock
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Ammon Lauritzen
- [MUD-Dev] MUD codebases
Ammon Lauritzen
- [MUD-Dev] MUD codebases
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] ADMIN: Untoward unsubscriptions
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Storytelling in a PSW from a Player's Persepctive
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Objects
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
J C Lawrence
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Brian Lindahl
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Brian Lindahl
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Brian Lindahl
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Brian Lindahl
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
Brian Lindahl
- [MUD-Dev] New to MUD Dev, need friendly advice!
Eric Merritt
- [MUD-Dev] New to MUD Dev, need friendly advice!
Eric Merritt
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] DID vs. MORAG "complexity"
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] Simpsons player types
Matt Mihaly
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Objects
Bruce Mitchener
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Michael Montague
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Jason Murdick
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Jason Murdick
- [MUD-Dev] Scripting languages
Jason Murdick
- [MUD-Dev] Object-Oriented Databases
Travis Nixon
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Steven J. Owens
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- relevance of paper RPGs (was Re: [MUD-Dev] D& D vs. MMORPG "complexity")
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Threshold RPG
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Ren Reynolds
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
- [MUD-Dev] DID vs. MORAG "complexity"
Dave Rickey
Richard Ruan
- [MUD-Dev] MUD codebases
Chris Saik
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Re: Male and female brains
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
Valerio Santinelli
- [MUD-Dev] Scripting languages
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Chris Schofield
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Paul Schwanz
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Paul Schwanz
- [MUD-Dev] RP, MMORPGs, and their Evolution
Paul Schwanz
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Jason Slaughter
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
Jason Slaughter
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Tess Snider
- [MUD-Dev] Male and female brains
Tess Snider
- [MUD-Dev] When marketroids attack!
Tess Snider
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- [MUD-Dev] Dealing with cloned NPCs
Thomas Sullivan
- [MUD-Dev] MUD codebases
Linder Support
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Benjamin Tolputt
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
- [MUD-Dev] Warrior Challenge on PBS
Madrona Tree
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Michael Tresca
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Michael Tresca
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Michael Tresca
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Michael Tresca
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
Peter Tyson
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Amanda Walker
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Amanda Walker
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
Amanda Walker
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Daniel.Harman at
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Daniel.Harman at
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Daniel.Harman at
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Daniel.Harman at
- [MUD-Dev] Who Killed Miss Norway?
Daniel.Harman at
- [MUD-Dev] Re: Male and female brains
- [MUD-Dev] Customization in games, as a design tool / gameplay element
- [MUD-Dev] UDP vs TCP for MUD/MMORPG project.
- [MUD-Dev] TECH: Application-level branch prediction?
- [MUD-Dev] When Player Communities Rebel / Fanbois Gone Rogue
vladimir cole
- [MUD-Dev] Thoughts on a simplified multiplayer game.
ghfdh fcgdfgdfg
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
corrine_123 at
- [MUD-Dev] Horizons
lynx at
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
sanxion sanxion
- [MUD-Dev] Flow of messages
sanxion sanxion
- [MUD-Dev] New to MUD Dev, need friendly advice!
- [MUD-Dev] New to MUD Dev, need friendly advice!
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
- [MUD-Dev] D&D and MMORPGs
- [MUD-Dev] D&D vs. MMORPG "complexity"
Zach Collins {Siege}
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Zach Collins {Siege}
- [MUD-Dev] Database vs. Disk
Zach Collins {Siege}
Last message date:
Fri May 30 21:50:20 CEST 2003
Archived on: Fri Dec 28 23:25:39 CET 2012
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).